Friday 27 September 2013

Dog and Puppy Training At Home

When we talk about canine training at home we think about doing it all by ourselves, training our puppies the way our parents did, or what worked before with our other dogs. Most people believe they know how to train dogs and do not want or need help doing it. They may think the pooch training at home starts with potty training and proceeds with complex commands. 

Many pet owners turn to books or films to show them pooch training at home. There are ordinarily two sorts of methodologies to canine training at home, food reward or repetition. Food reward is using treats as bribes to reward a puppy’s behaviour. Repetition training is repeating commands or requests to a dog does it. Some people try these methods together, but both can develop bad habits. You don’t want or need to use food to get a dog to do what it should. Repeating commands teach a dog that it does not have to listen to you the first time you tell it. Repetition training is more asking than commanding and should be used for trick training not obedience or manners training.

When you begin dog training at home always start with positive. Praising your puppy or new dog while it is doing the right things, the things you want it to do. A loving bond between master and canine is always the best foundation for respect and developing that respect to be able to show any dog what pleases and displeases you as pack leader.


  1. Recently I got a subscription of online Dog & Puppy Training video. This is really cool. This video will get a work out along with the puppy training classes in our area. You can check it out by Clicking Here!. The 1st time around we as a family watched and learned the best correction methods, becoming a team to help train Bo. This time around, our family is using the video in conjunction with the puppy training class. I would recommend this video, it taught our children the importance of treating the dog with love and the best responses to consistently use in Pups training. Great even for young children to follow.
