Thursday 2 January 2014

Introducing “Sit” command

Sit is the first command most people teach their dogs and pups. Sit is an important command, a natural position and comfortable for the dog. Dogs all around the world are trained to sit with the commands given in as many languages as there are. Any words, sound, hang signal or look can be taught to the dog to be a command. Commands are conditioned responses.

Many people create bad habits while introducing sit. Probably the most common using food creates repeating the command until the dog sits then giving the treat. I have two major problems with this simple technique that we have all seen people use. The first problem is using food from the start. Sure it works with most pups but you should not need bribery to get your own dog to do any command. A lot of dogs will only listen when you have food, others that dint care as much about food listen when they want. Repeating is not commanded, it is asked, Whenever you repeat your commands you are telling your dog he did not have to respond to the first time you said it. It is best right from the start to only command once.

When you are first introducing sit to a new dog, or a puppy, have him on a leash. Keeping the lead loose says sit once in your normal speaking voice. Help him into a sit position and praise highly with high pitch baby talk tone of voice. Use your tones of voice; show your pooch you are happy with his sitting. Keep the introduction positive. Later you can incorporate disapproval for not sitting but do your best to be positive and keep it fun, not repeating and not bribing. 

All commands should be trained given once and in your normal speaking voice. If you start yelling or repeating your dog may only respond if you yell or repeat. When you repeat any command you are telling the dog he did not have to respond to the first command. I have seen many people say to their dogs “sit, Sit, SIT,” getting louder and louder. Those dogs are taught the command “sit” is “sit, Sit, SIT,” when it should just be “sit”, once and normal voice. Really when repeating you are asking not commanding. Asking and commanding should be very different. Asking, or keying, are requested or warnings and are conditioned through repetition. Commands the dog must do, you are telling not asking.

For More Details Please Contact WESLEY LAIRD :-


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